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Our Curriculum
The Cutteslowe Curriculum
At Cutteslowe, we believe that learning is limitless. We strive to develop passionate, engaged, independent learners who are well prepared to make sense of the world around them and become active members of their local and global community.
Through a carefully crafted approach to learning each Subject Leader has identified knowledge and skills that will be taught progressively and developed throughout a child's journey at Cutteslowe. Our curriculum focuses on all aspects of a child’s development including physical and mental wellbeing, emotional literacy and communication skills.
Cutteslowe Long Term Plan (2 Year Cycle)
Cutteslowe Teaching And Learning Policy Oct (2024-2025)
Subject Leaders
English - Miss Maddie Appleby
Maths - Mrs Louise Greenway
Science - Mrs Deborah Roberts
Modern Foreign Languages - Mrs Claire Parkinson
Art & Design - Mrs Debbie Cameron
Design & Technology - Mrs Debbie Cameron
Humanities: Geography & History - Miss Rosie Weston
Religious Education - Mr Peter-Sam Hill
PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education) - Miss Ellie Goodman
PE (Physical Education) - Mrs Kirsty Foley
Computing - Mr Daniele Zilli
Forest School - Mrs Becki Huth
To find out more about our curriculum, please email us office@cuttesloweprimary.org
At Cutteslowe we believe learning is limitless and we seek to harness a child’s natural curiosity to support their learning. There are 5 key priorities for our new curriculum:
- There is breadth and depth. Through exploration of the backgrounds of our pupils, our belief in high quality education and our school values we are developing a curriculum focused on Cutteslowe School and our children.
- The curriculum is challenging and inclusive. All children, regardless of background or ability, will be able to access and enjoy a broad range of learning activities focused on developing their skills and knowledge.
- There is real progression within each year and as children move up through the school. Learning is planned with the National Curriculum and will be sequenced to build skills and knowledge in the medium and long term.
- The development of long term knowledge and high level skills is prioritised as children move through the school. This includes learning knowledge and skills in depth and then builds on what a child knows to expand and extend their understanding.
- Regular formal and informal assessment, alongside the marking and feedback policy, will be used to establish learning expectations, measure progress and help to plan future learning.
Remote Education Provision at Cutteslowe 2025
This information is intended to provide clarity and transparency to staff, pupils and parents about what to expect from remote education if local or national restrictions require entire cohorts to remain at home. Remote education is where the pupil and the teacher are not physically present in a traditional classroom environment. Information is relayed through other means such as online learning.
● The platform for facilitating home learning in the first instance is Google Classroom.
● Children and staff are familiar with this platform, having used it since September 2020.
● Using Google Classroom across the school provides consistency and enables pupil-staff interaction.
● All work uploaded to Google Classrooms will link to the curriculum being taught in school. For example, maths will follow the White Rose schedule and topics started in class will be continued.
● Some adjustments to the curriculum may be necessary depending on the content.
● A mixture of high-quality online and offline resources will be provided by class teachers.
● Work is meaningful and ambitious. Long-term projects and internet research activities are deliberately used sparingly by teachers.
● Children are asked to ‘turn-in’ (submit) work when it is completed via Google Classroom.
● Staff assess returned work and provide feedback where appropriate to enable a learning dialogue.
● Meetings may take place on line and all children would be expected to attend.
● Members of the SLT follow-up with families where repeated non-engagement presents itself.
● Upon request, printed resources may be provided to families with no suitable online access.
● We recognise that younger pupils will need adult support to access work and plan for this.
● Please contact the school if you are experiencing any difficulties in accessing Google Classroom or you have any queries regarding this document.
●If for any reason you find that you can not access Google Classrooms there are a number of sites where high quality work can be found.