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Music curriculum lead: Miss Emma Frith

At Cutteslowe primary school, we believe in delivering a music education that is enjoyable and accessible for all. Children will develop the skills they need to understand and interpret music in a meaningful way, creating a springboard for deeper musical understanding which they can carry with them into later life

The use of the Charanga scheme enables children to go through a structured learning process which builds musical understanding over the course of their primary education. Children will learn to analyse music, developing a good understanding of musical features such as tempo, rhythm and pitch. They will then apply this to performance, done through various means such as singing, as well as with instruments such as percussive drums and glockenspiels. By the end of their primary musical journey, children will be familiar with, and able to discuss with confidence, a wide variety of musical genres and styles.

Musical opportunities that encompass our school promise of inclusivity are widely and readily available to all children. Pupils are encouraged to expand their creativity beyond lessons and singing assemblies. At Cutteslowe, this looks like instrumental lessons, as well as ensembles such as the school choir and the iRock band


Cutteslowe Music Curriculum Statement 

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