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Humanities: History & Geography

History and Geography Co ordinator: Miss Rosie Weston (Key Stage 1 lead)


“The more you know about the past, the better prepared you are for the future.’

  • Theodore Roosevelt  

Our History curriculum is designed to give children an oversight of key historical concepts and eras. To reflect the interests of our children, our lessons span from Prehistoric Britain all the way to the post-war ‘Space Race’ and beyond. 

Topics covered include: 

  • Pirates and Explorers, Incredible Inventors, Super Scientists, Kingdoms and Castles, The Great Fire of London, Victorian Britain (KS1)

  • Stone Age to Iron Age, Vikings, Anglo-Saxons, Ancient Rome, Ancient Greece, Ancient Egypt and Changes in Industry (LKS2)

  • The ‘Space Race’, World War 2, The Mayan Civilization, Activists, Local History (UKS2)

Our curriculum aims to: 

  • Equip children with an understanding of how Britain has changed over time.

  • Foster a love of history and encourage children to develop interest in particular topics. 

  • Encourage children to consider alternative perspectives and form their own opinions.

  • Establish a sense of chronology.

  • Make links to local history, including the Cutteslowe Walls. 

We do this by: 

  • Building upon prior learning and revisiting key concepts and vocabulary.

  • Delivering fun, engaging lessons to teach key vocabulary, dates and facts

relating to each period or individual studied. 

  • Utilising immersive educational trips and visits to help bring the learning to life- the closest we can get to time travel! 





At Cutteslowe, our primary aim is to allow opportunities for children to explore and understand the world around them. This is achieved through studying both local and global environments. We are also privileged to have a diverse school community and recognise the value of allowing each child to share their own perspectives and experiences. 

Our curriculum aims to: 

  • Develop key geographical skills, such as map reading and interpreting data. 

  • Equip children with key geographical vocabulary to allow them to understand geographical concepts and communicate their thoughts effectively.

  • Foster a sense of community membership, both local and global. 

We do this by: 

  • Regularly revisiting prior knowledge and skills to reinforce key concepts, knowledge and skills.

  • Encouraging questions.

  • Offering fieldwork opportunities to enable hands-on exploration and investigations.

  • Making links and connections across other areas of the curriculum and extra-curricular groups such as Forest School and Eco-Club. 

Geography Curriculum Statement

Geography Progression Grid

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